14-year IRS veteran Gary Shapley sounded the alarm on the department’s blatant mishandling and corruption involving the tax fraud case against Hunter Biden.

As an IRS agent, Shapley witnessed first-hand how the Department of Justice (DOJ) purposefully “slow-walked” and completely skipped critical steps in the investigation at the direction of the DOJ.

Speaking to CBS News, Shapley said, “There were multiple steps that were slow-walked — were just completely not done — at the direction of the Department of Justice. When I took control of this particular investigation, I immediately saw deviations from the normal process.”

“It was way outside the norm of what I’ve experienced in the past,” Shapley added.

Hunter Biden received a staggering $11 million from the Ukrainian company between 2013 through 2018.

An additional $10 million in foreign money was sent to 20 shell companies and LLCs created for the Bidens’ financial benefit. The funds were surreptitiously shuffled around various accounts. Ultimately, in the end, the money went to nine members of Biden’s family. Even Biden’s grandchildren are among the family members who received foreign cash.

“For a couple years, we’d been noticing these deviations in the investigative process,” Shapley told CBS News.

“And I just couldn’t, you know, fathom that DOJ might be acting unethically on this.”

Despite the years-long investigation, no charges have been brought against Hunter or the Biden family.

“Each and every time, it seemed to always benefit the subject,” Shapley told CBS News. “It just got to that point where that switch was turned on

“And I just couldn’t silence my conscience anymore.”

According to a report from CBS News, the FBI provided prosecutors with enough evidence to charge Biden with criminal tax fraud in October.

However, no charges have been filed against the president’s son.

Shapley, who reported this information, expressed concern that Biden was being shielded during the investigation and decided to speak out.