Gov. Gavin Newsom sits for interview | via CBS

California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom dismissed parents’ concerns about policies that prevent schools from notifying parents when their children indicate a desire to change their gender.

Newsom’s administration filed a lawsuit against a local school district in Chino Valley, in Riverside County that adopted a parental notification policy in a recent 4-1 school board vote.

A Rasmussen poll showed that 84% of California voters support parental notification policies. (Trending: The Failures of Joe Biden Are In Full Bloom)

A reporter asked Newsome, “Why should parents not know if their kids are transitioning at school?”

Newsom responded, “It’s a hell of a thing — you’re talking about one percent of the population. Climate change, that’s going to impact 100% of the population, wasn’t even brought up, and we’re talking about trans issues?”

“Here in California, this is an issue,” the reporter continued.

“It’s a big issue for parents,” another reporter chimed in.

Newsom said, “This is a front-and-center issue to America?”

“Why should parents not know?” the reporter insisted.

Newsom complained, “It’s the great — it’s the great distraction. This is one of the greatest distractions and it’s classic. One percent of the population of the United States. These kids just want to live.” (Trending: Climate Hoax, Scientist Admits To Lying)

“Why can’t parents know?” the reporter asked again.

“The kids just want to live,” Newsom said. “And we’re having a debate about trans issues? At the Reagan library? You ought to be ashamed.”

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